Sabtu, 22 Oktober 2016

5 Culinary From Yogyakarta

5 Culinary From Yogyakarta

Hasil gambar untuk Bakpia

1.Bakpia, Bakpia is a round flat cake, made from a mixture of green beans with sugar, wrapped in flour, then baked. Bakpia origin coming from Mainland China

Hasil gambar untuk yangko
2.Yangko,Yangko is typical of the city of Yogyakarta food made of glutinous rice flour. Yangko shaped box with glaze wheat, chewy and sweet taste. In its original sense, Yangko contains a mixture of chopped nuts and sugar, such as cake moci Japanese. Only difference, moci softer and more supple than yangko. In addition to the original flavor, now yangko also have fruit flavors, such as strawberry, durian, and melon. Yangko mostly found in the area kotagede.

Hasil gambar untuk getuk
3. Getuk,Getuk is a snack made with the main ingredient cassava or manioc. Getuk are foods that are easily found in Central Java and Java Timur.
Hasil gambar untuk gudeg

4. Gudeg, Gudeg is a typical food of Yogyakarta and Central Java which is made of young jackfruit cooked in coconut milk. It took many hours to make this dish. The brown color is usually generated by a teak leaves are cooked simultaneously

5.Geplak Bantul town is a typical food made of grated coconut and sugar or brown sugar, which tastes sweet. There is also a call as Betawi foods with added ingredients such as rice flour and orange leaf gall

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