Kamis, 01 Mei 2014


Panggung Krapyak

Once Krapyak region , which is now located in the south of Kraton Yogyakarta , formerly a dense forest . Various types of wildlife found here , one elk or deer in a language called Java . No wonder that this region once widely used as hunting grounds by the Kings of Mataram .
Raden Mas jolang the title of King Hanyokrowati , the second king of the Islamic Mataram Kingdom and Panembahan Senopati son , was one of the kings who utilize Krapyak Forest as a hunting ground.
 In 1613 , he had an accident in the race and eventually died here . He was buried in Kotagede and given the title Panembahan Krapyak Seda ( meaning king who died in Forest Krapyak ) .
Another king who liked to hunt in the forest are Prince Mangkubumi Krapyak ( lane I ) . He was the one who set up the Stage Krapyak more than 140 years after the death of King Hanyokrowati in this forest . Krapyak stage is an indication that the region 's history Krapyak once used as a hunting area . If interested , you can come to him with drove to the south of the South Square , passing Plengkung Ivory and Glacier Nat'l Park Road . Krapyak stage will be found after driving approximately 3 kilometers , is located right in the middle of the road .
Building Stage Krapyak rectangular area of ​​17.6 mx 15 m . The walls are made of red brick and cast -coated cement arranged upward as high as 10 m . Part wall now looks black , indicating the age of nearly equal age of Yogyakarta , a quarter millennium . The building still looks solid , although some parts were damaged by the earthquake on 27 May 2006 .
The architecture is quite unique stage . Each side of the building has a door and two windows . Doors and windows it is only a hole , no cover . The bottom of the doors and windows , rectangular but curved top , such as the design of doors and windows in the mosque - masijd .
The building stage is divided into two floors . The first floor has four rooms and a short hallway that connects the door of each side . If the sun is shining brightly , the light will penetrate into the first floor of the building through doors and windows . Absence of sunlight makes the old feel of the conditions created by the building and the air is more humid and cooler will be immediately ambushed .
If to one room in the southeast and southwest of the building and looked up , you could see a hole wide enough . From the hole that the kings who want to hunt leading to the second floor ( useful as a hunting ground ) with the help of a wooden staircase that now can not be found anymore . By looking up too, we can know that there is a roof to shade the hole that has now collapsed , it may be useful to prevent water entry .
At first glance, this building depicts the king obtained comfort , even when hunting . Height of the building to make the king hunting with a sense of comfort and safety , stalking freely without worrying about being attacked by wild animals while hunting . The second floor is also quite comfortable place , a fairly wide open space and bordered by a fence with a height of being perforated .
Height of the building has led some people to suspect that the Stage Krapyak also used as a defense post . That said , from this point of enemy movement from the south can be monitored so that it can provide an early warning to the Sultan's Palace in the event of an attack . The soldiers were assigned to guard interchangeably in this place , as well as practicing hunting and if kanuragan ( fighting ability ) .
Stage Krapyak including buildings located in the city of Yogyakarta imaginary axis , linking Mount Merapi , Tugu Jogja , Yogyakarta Palace , Stage Krapyak and the South Seas . Stage Krapyak shaft until Kraton describe the human journey from birth to adulthood . The area around the stage symbolizes human life while still in the womb , characterized by Mijen village in north Stage Krapyak as a symbol of human seed .
Visiting Stage Krapyak , means visiting one of the buildings is important for Kraton

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